About Flags for Vets
First, I’m a Veteran. A very proud veteran.
I’m proud that I served the United States Marine Corps, and that I served faithfully, with loyal dedication and steadfast devotion from September 1982 to September 1985. I, like my brothers and sisters, am fiercely patriotic. In fact, my patriotism guides me as I prioritize my allegiances by simply honoring the Marine Corps credo of God, Country, and Family.
Like so many others that have served, and like those who consider themselves patriotic, I became embarrassed and disappointed with the media’s glamorization of the peoples “right” to burn our flag, or to stomp our flag in some form of protest. I fully understand and respect people’s rights, but I also understand and respect those who fought and died to guarantee those rights. I knew I had to find a way to provide a balance to the issue, and on February 1st of 2017 I implemented Flags for Vets as a way to show my respect for our veterans.
The idea – purchase and raise our national flag on a lighted flagpole at the veteran’s house. Initially my plan was to “sponsor” a few veterans I knew in my community, so I purchased the materials out-of-pocket, set the flagpoles, and presented the flags. However, the word spread quickly and I began receiving texts, phone calls and messages from others who knew of a veteran and wanted to sponsor them. I opened an account at a local bank (Auburn Bank in Auburn, AL), I opened a PayPal account and linked it to my email address, and allowed for those who wanted to contribute to or sponsor a veteran an opportunity to do so.
I’m most proud to report that to date, we have honored more than 705 veterans with flagpoles and flags in 28 states, including 28 Medal of Honor recipients. This number grows every week. Our work depends on the financial donations of others, we match the generosity of the donors with our donation of time. Our pledge is that we will drive anywhere within the Southeast (Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida and Georgia, Kentucky, North/South Carolina, Louisiana) to honor our nation’s veterans and we’ll fly anywhere in the U.S. Our selection and vetting criteria is simple – show us a DD-214 and tell me your story. There is no age limit, service limitations, or need to have served in a conflict. We will honor your service no matter what branch you served or where you served. From WW II veterans to Operation Iraqi Freedom and/or Operation Enduring Freedom, We want to say thanks and show you our gratitude.
We have received generous Grants from The Daniel Foundation of Alabama, The Smeed Foundation of Idaho and the Alabama Marines Foundation in addition to several corporate sponsors such as Jeffcoat-Trant Funeral Home, HW Off Road, Semper Fi Heating and Air, One Water, Revv Aviation, Lambert Transfer and Storage, LedCo Lighting, Envirogreen, Speakes Trailer Sales, Rabren Excavation, FlagsUSA and University ACE Hardware. For 2021 we’ve added new sponsors including Pole Pals.
In 2023 Jamie was chosen as the National Veteran of the year from the National Veterans Day Foundation for his tireless efforts to honor those who served and bring awareness to the men and women who selflessly dedicated their lives to protecting our freedoms. Please view a list of the previous receipients here.
If you’re interested in sponsoring a veteran, nominating a veteran or you’re a Corporation/Business and are interested in partnering with us contact me at: jamie@flagsforvets.us